rishyak blogs

i (dis)like writing

After some pondering about why I had a blog in the first place, I realised that I just hopped on a fad. Admittedly, a couple years after blogs went obsolete.

However, this previous semester, I took NYU's basic expository writing course. There, I had an excellent professor who had a quirky grading style - the grading contract. You were guaranteed a B if you did the bare minimum and you could get one higher letter grade for extra work.

Interestingly, because of the safeguard of getting a B, the course allowed students to explore their own writing style, instead of a rubric. We never discussed what makes an essay, structure, or even the classical essay styles. Instead, there was a heavy emphasis on individuality, ensuring freedom like no other.

For one of my essays, I wrote about how learning to write essays is like learning to fix motorcycle engines. The other, about motorsports and photography. Through that course, I wrote about topics I enjoyed, whilst learning how to write essays.

It was maybe the fourth essay writing course I've done since I entered university, but it was the best one. Which leads me to:

Do I write a lot? No.

Do I like writing? Maybe.

Do I want a blog? Yes.